Anacortes to BC
(NOTE: This would be a "D" webpage if my students submitted it but I am in a hurry. Pictures are in reverse chronological order. I will make it look better later.)
Ketchikan Waterfront |
Welcom to Ketchikan |
Welcome to America |
Foggy Bay (US) Canookian Geese |
Foggy Bay American Black Bear. (Another day, another bear...) |
Prince Rupert Rowing and Yacht Club |
Just another Fjord - Fraser Reach, BC |
Beautiful Butedale, BC |
Falls at Butedale |
Bishop Bay |
Hot springs at Bishop Bay |
A whale tale south of Cone Island |
Close encounter with a marine mammal |
A gorgeous fjord and typically stunning snow covered mountains |
Crossing the Queen Charlotte Sound north of Vancouver Island. Note the scary seas. |
Just another eagle -- Millbrook Anchorage north of the Queen Charlotte Sound |
Port McNeil Walmart Logging and Marine Supplies. That covers it all... |
No visit to Port McNeil is complete without visiting the "World's Largest Burl" |
Seymour Narrows north of Campbell river at Slack -- Tug and Log Barge in the Haze |
They were not kdding. (See following pictures.) This is Port Neville |
Read the bottom three lines. Sounds like the kind of place that I would want to raise children. |
Friendly looking guy. Probably just a big dog. Let's go and pet it... |
A little too close for comfort. |
Dodd Narrows on the way to Nanaimo |
Day 2 -- The Georgia Strait. Floating logs, deadheads and poor visibility. Did I mention the choppy seas? |
Our first night out -- Ruxton Anchorage |